芝公園の観光名所を歩いて巡ろう増上寺近隣マップLet's Walk Sightseeing spots of Shiba ParkSightseeing spots around Zojoji-temple
There are many highlights surrounding the Zojoji Temple starting from the ancient tombs and temples with a feel of history, skyscrapers with an air of the big city and a wharf with the Tokyo Bay at a glance.When you visit the Zojoji Temple, be sure to also enjoy various spots in the vicinity.

Aコース増上寺から芝東照宮・東京タワーコース Shiba-Tosyogu & Tokyo tower
- 所要時間
- 2時間
Leaving the Sangedatsumon of the Zojoji Temple, head to the right. After enjoying history in the Tokugawa related Shiba Toshogu and the Maruyama tomb in the vast Shiba Park, the course goes around the Zojoji Temple lush with trees, forgetting the noise of the city and onto the popular spot of Tokyo, the Tokyo Tower.

- 1増上寺
- 2芝公園
- 3芝東照宮
- 4円山随身稲荷大明神
- 5芝円山古墳・大野伴睦句碑
- 6ザ・プリンスパークタワー東京
- 7宝珠院
- 8東京タワー
Bコース増上寺から愛宕神社・虎の門ヒルズコースAtago-jinja Shrine & Toranomon Hills
- 所要時間
- 2時間
After leaving the Sangedatsumon of the Zojoji Temple, head to the left. Tour starts from the Atago Green Hills to the temples and museum and heads for the Toranomon Hills through the Atago Shrine. Please experience the towering steps leading to the shrine where once as far as Meguro could be seen. This is a course making one contemplate on the flow of age from Edo to Tokyo.

- 1増上寺
- 2安蓮社
- 3愛宕山グリーンヒルズ
- 4青松寺
- 5愛宕トンネル
- 6放送博物館
- 7愛宕神社
- 8虎の門ヒルズ
Cコース増上寺から浜離宮・竹芝コースAtago-jinja Shrine & Toranomon Hills
- 所要時間
- 2時間
From the Sangedatsumon in the Zojoji Temple, head directly along the approach to the Hamamatsucho district. In this course, after visiting the Shiba Daijingu founded 1000 years ago, have a look at the Zojoji Temple from the observatory in the Trade Center, enjoying the beautiful Japanese Garden of Shiba Rikyu, one of the gardens of the daimyos from the Edo Era, feel the comfortable sea breeze in the Takeshita Sanbashi.

- 1増上寺
- 2大門
- 3芝大神宮
- 4貿易センタービル
- 5旧芝離宮恩賜庭園
- 6ニューピア竹芝
- 7日の出桟橋